Dancers will compete against others in their same age group. Our registration system will automatically place your routine in the correct age level based on the information you enter. Aspire reserves the right to combine and/or adjust age levels based on registration numbers.

Soloists Age Level: The age level for all soloists is determined by their age as of March 1st of the competition year.

Duet & Trio Age Levels: The age level of all duets and trios is determined by the average age of the dancers as of March 1st of the competition year.

Team Age Levels: The age level of a team is determined by the average age of all dancers registered for each specific routine as of March 1st of the competition year. Each routine is calculated individually based on the registered dancers. Team Age Levels may be combined or adjusted to create a fairer, more balance competition.

Pro Division: Competitors in the pro division perform as exhibition only. They will receive adjudication and participation awards, but are not eligible for competitive awards.

Mini A Division: Ages 3-6
Mini B Division: Ages 7-8
Junior A Division: Ages 9-10
Junior B Division: Ages 11-12
Teen Division: Ages 13-14
Elite Division: Ages 15-19
Pro Division: Ages 20+


All routines performed by a solo dancer or team group with the same dancers must be registered in the same ability level in all genres. Duets and trios must be registered in the ability level of the most advanced dancer.


  • This category is for newer dancers with basic skills.
  • Those competing at the Amateur level may not be a previous high point winner in Amateur level.
  • Technical elements that may be included at the Amateur level (not required, but appropriate): Different marching, chassé, and skipping styles, Chaines/Piqués, Battements, Single Turns, Attitude Turn, Leaps (front, side, stag), Jump, Splits, Leg grab, C Jumps, Stage awareness, etc.
  • Not suited for this Skill Division: Double or Triple turns, Switch leaps, Back leaps, Fouetté turns/A la Seconde Fuetté turns, Firebird jumps, and leg grab turns.


  • This category is for dancers with lower intermediate skills who have more technical skills than an Amateur level.
  • Those competing at the Amateur-Intermediate level may not be a previous high point winner in the Amateur-Intermediate level.
  • Technical elements that may be included at the Amateur level (not required, but appropriate): 1-2 turn rotations (pirouette, coupé, pencil, attitude,etc), Chaines and Piqués in a box, Splits, Battements of all styles, Leg Grab and Turning Leg Grabs (1 rotation), Leaps (front, side, back, single stag, double stag, etc.), Tilt Jumps and Renversés, a la Seconde Fouetté turns (no more than 4 rotations total).
  • Not suited for this Skill Division: Switch Leaps, Fouetté turns, more than 2 rotations in pirouette turns.*


  • This category is for dancers who have several years of competition experience and are working to perfect their technical skills–but are not quite Advanced yet.
  • Those competing at the Intermediate level may not be a previous high point winner at the Intermediate level.
  • Technical elements that may be included at the Intermediate level (not required, but appropriate): All lower skill level elements, plus: 3-4 pirouette rotations (coupé, pencil, attitude, etc.), Leg Grab and Turning Leg Grabs (up to 2 rotations), Leaps (all varieties including Switch, Firebird, and Tilt Jumps), A la Seconde and Fouetté turns (no limit on number of rotations but dancers should be able to execute well the number of rotations set in the choreography).*


  • Dancers should display a high technical skill level and ability to enter the Advanced division and have multiple years of competition experience.
  • Advanced dancers should focus on creativity, expression, and artistry as they showcase their technical skills and movement.
Movement quality and maturity should reflect the appropriate skill level, regardless of age and technical elements utilized in the routine. Any competitor(s) whose movement exceeds the skill level by determination of the judges may be removed from competing in that skill level.

Skill Level Deductions

If a routine is registered in a skill level that is below the dancer's technical ability, it will NOT receive a deduction, but will be automatically moved into it's own category at the discretion of the judges. The routine will be disqualified from winning the overall award.

Skill Level Increase

If a routine has received a Diamond award and is registered to compete in an additional Aspire competition, it is eligible to move to a higher skill level at the next competition during the same season.

Skill Level Decrease

If a routine has received a Sapphire or Emerald award and is registered to compete in an additional Aspire competition, it is eligible to move to a lower skill level at the next competition during the same season.


Acro/Tumbling skills utilized in a routine should enhance the artistry rather than distract from it.

Running tumbling passes are strongly discouraged outside of Cheer and Production routines. The technical judge will evaluate the skill level appropriateness of each routine. Any more than 5 Tumbling or Acro skills* may be penalized up to 0.5 point per judge deduction except for the following genres: Novelty/Musical Theater, Production and Acro.

* Acro and Tumbling skills include front and back handsprings, front and back walkovers, front and back flips, front and side aerials, handstands, valdez, limber, etc. Acro and Tumbling skills do not include transitional movements like forward, backward, or shoulder rolls.
  • Acro
    Routine that combines precision acrobatic elements with classical dance technique, seamlessly blending acrobatics and dance.
  • Ballet
    Routine that consists of classical ballet movements, technique and steps. Emphasis should be on graceful, fluid movements. Acro elements should not be used.
  • Ballroom
    Routine that consists of solo or partner dances utilizing any one ballroom style. Emphasis should be put on traditional steps as well as cohesive transitions and partner-work.
  • Cheer
    Routine using cheerleading style technique. Each routine blends a combination of leaps, jumps, and vocal cheering with strong sharp movements. Stunting permitted with appropriate safety measures.
  • Clog
    Routine performed using clogging techniques. Emphasis should be on the sound and rhythm created.
  • Contemporary
    Routine incorporating lyrical or jazz movement and technique, infused with abstract elements. Less traditional forms and execution of stylized technique may be exhibited.
  • Hip Hop
    Routine that utilizes hip hop, break dance and street style moves, including popping and locking. The emphasis should be on creativity, rhythm, variety of stylistic movements, and body isolations.
  • Jazz
    Routine that contains traditional and stylized jazz movements including leaps, turns, kicks, and jumps.The emphasis should be on correctly executed technique with proper body placement and control.
  • Lyrical

    Routine should display interpretation of the lyrics, emotion and content of the music; while encompassing ballet, jazz and contemporary skills. The emphasis should be on graceful execution with fluid transitions.
  • Novelty/Musical Theater
    Routine utilizing a Broadway or movie musical song incorporating dance, characters and/or costumes. Emphasis should be on the story-line while utilizing a variety of dance techniques.
  • Pointe
    Routine must include classical or contemporary Pointe technique and steps. No Pointe routines will be accepted in the amateur skill level. Pointe shoes only.
  • Tap
    Routine containing tap technique and primarily tap work. Emphasis should be on the tap sounds and rhythms created. Tap shoes only.
  • Production
    Routine must include a minimum of 15 dancers and be 4-15 minutes long. May contain any combination of dance styles with a story line or theme. May include multiple ages, levels, dance forms, props or stage sets.

Please consider your genre carefully and register for the genre that best fits your routine.

Routines registered in less popular genres (such as Novelty/Musical Theater) may result in a single competitor within a skill and/or age category. Single category solo competitors are not eligible for 1st place awards. Aspire Dance Pro reserves the right to combine genres within the same skill level and age category based on final registration levels.


Routine Time Limits

1:00 - 2:45 minutes

1:00 - 3:30 minutes

4:00 - 15:00 minutes

Additional time cannot be purchased. Penalties/deductions may be applied at the judges discretion if routine exceeds time limits.

Routine Music

Website Upload

All music needs to be uploaded to your Aspire account. Once registration is complete, go back into your account and upload your music. Music formats accepted are MP3 or M4A files.

We recommend the free website if you need to convert your music files to MP3 or M4A format.

  •   Click on red music note next to routine to select file
  •   Or drag and drop music file onto red note
  •   Note will turn green when music is uploaded
  •   Click on yellow play arrow to listen to your music and verify it uploaded correctly

MUSIC UPLOAD DEADLINE: One week prior to the competition. If music is not uploaded prior to deadline, a $10 per routine music handing fee will be charged upon submission at the competition.

Back Up Music

For your own security, please bring a backup copy of your music on a device (phone, iPod, MP3 player, flash-drive, etc).

Music Content

No music containing explict lyrics and/or profanity. Routines with inappropriate music content will receive a deduction. Don't even go there!


  • No throwing of small objects (sand, glitter, coins, flowers petals, etc). Deductions will apply if flow of competition is affected.
  • No items may be thrown into the audience. Throwing items from the audience to the performing area is not permitted.
  • Pre-performance: Store props in a non-performance area and transport backstage 5 routines prior to performance.
  • Post-performance: Props removed promptly and stored in vehicle or dressing room for remainder of event.

  • Stage: Must fit within the left/right stage or performance area without impeding dancer entry/exit.
  • Gymnasium: Must NOT be visible from audience area until they are ready to go on stage.

Special stage or house lighting will not be provided for any performance.


A panel of three educated and qualified judges will adjudicate each routine. Registrants will be provided with two online video downloads with judge's commentary and one written score sheet for each routine.

Scoring will be based on the following breakdown:

  •   Technique (25 points)
  •   Artistic/Choreography (25 points)
  •   Execution of Routine (25 points)
  •   Showmanship/Appearance (25 points)

The technical judge will evaluate the following:

  •   Skill level appropriateness for division entered.
  •   Acro/Tumbling skills limit*
  •   Costume, Music, and Movement appropriateness**

Approaching the judges, walking in front of the judges, or calling out judges' names from the stage is not allowed. No gifts may be presented to the judges.

Judges Commentary and Score Sheets

Two judges videos will be uploaded to the registrants account no later than Tuesday following the competition. An email will be sent when the videos are ready to download.

The technical judges’ written score sheet will be given out at awards for the solo and duets/trios. Technical judging sheets for teams will be given out in a packet at the end of the competition. Pick them up at the registration desk.

All judging scores for the routine will be sent to the email entered at registration following the awards.


A tie between two routines will be broken by the technical score.

By entering the Aspire Dance Pro Competition you accept all judging decisions are final.

Bonus and/or Penalties

The Aspire Bonus (up to 2 points) may be awarded at the judges' discretion for exceptional and unique routines.

**Aspire Dance Pro is a family-friendly competition environment. Any routine with inappropriate costumes, music, or movements as deemed by the technical judge will be penalized 0.5 point per judge for a total of 1.5 point deduction.

Deductions will be given to any routine that is being prompted by an instructor.

Any more than 5 tumbling or acro skills may be penalized up to 0.5 point per judge deduction except for the following genres: Novelty/Musical Theater, Production and Acro. Acro and tumbling skills include front and back handsprings, front and back walkovers, front and back flips, front and side aerials, handstands, valdez, limber, etc. Acro and tumbling skills do not include transitional movements like forward, backward, or shoulder rolls.

Aspire Dance Pro reserves the right to disqualify any team that has more dancers on the floor than they have registered for a routine.


Ranking and Adjudication Info
  •   All competing entries will receive a placement within their category (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) and gem ranking.
  •   Awards are announced in categories, and in order of placement and gem ranking.
  •   Gem rankings are determined by skill level and total adjudicated points.

Rose Diamond Gem Ranking
Exceptional Performance
Diamond Gem Ranking
Exceptional to Above Average Performance
Ruby Gem Ranking
Above Average to Average Performance
Sapphire Gem Ranking
Average to Below Average Performance
Emerald Gem Ranking
Below Average Performance
Amateur Rankings
  • ROSE DIAMOND 286.5 - 300
  • DIAMOND 281 - 286
  • RUBY 273.5 - 280.5
  • SAPPHIRE 266 - 273
  • EMERALD 265.5 and below
Amateur-Intermediate Rankings
  • ROSE DIAMOND 288 - 300
  • DIAMOND 282 - 287.5
  • RUBY 275 - 281.5
  • SAPPHIRE 267.5 - 274.5
  • EMERALD 267 and below
Intermediate Rankings
  • ROSE DIAMOND 289.5 - 300
  • DIAMOND 283.5 - 289
  • RUBY 278 - 283
  • SAPPHIRE 269 - 277.5
  • EMERALD 268.5 and below
Advanced Rankings
  • ROSE DIAMOND 291 - 300
  • DIAMOND 285 - 290.5
  • RUBY 279.5 - 284.5
  • SAPPHIRE 272 - 279
  • EMERALD 271.5 and below
Solo, Duet, & Trio Awards
  •   Personalized trophy awarded to all competitors along with a gem ranking.
  •   First place category winners receive a large trophy.
  •   First place winners with 2 or more competitors will be awarded a tiara or ball cap.
  •   One Solo, Duet or Trio routine will be selected as The Judges' Choice Award and receives $50.00 Aspire Cash.
  •   Highest scoring Duet or Trio will be awarded a High Point trophy.
  •   Highest scoring Solo in each age and skill division (with a minimum of 3 competitors) will receive a six-foot trophy.
  •   Top scoring soloist of the competition receives the Ultimate High Point Award and free entry to Aspire National's Competition in May.

Team Awards
  •   All studios will receive a personalized team trophy.
  •   Each team member will receive choice of participation trophy or necklace.
  •   Gem rankings will be presented to all routines.
  •   First place routine in each category receives a team medal.
  •   High Point scores in each age division will receive a large trophy.
  •   Overall High Point scores in all age divisions will receive a six-foot trophy.
  •   Specialty awards will be given by the judges for Choreography, Technique, Showmanship and Judge's Choice.
  •   Top scoring team routine of the competition will receive the Ultimate High Point Award and free entry to Aspire Nationals Competition in May.
Solo, Duet, & Trio Awards
  •   Personalized trophy awarded to all competitors along with a gem ranking.
  •   First place category winners receive a large trophy.
  •   First place winners with 2 or more competitors will be awarded a tiara or ball cap.
  •   One Solo, Duet or Trio routine will be selected as The Aspire Dancer and receives $50.00 Aspire Cash.
  •   Highest scoring Duet or Trio will be awarded a High Point trophy.
  •   Overall High Point solo winners in each age and skill division (with a minimum of 3 competitors) will receive a six-foot trophy and an exclusive Aspire Dance Pro Nationals gift.
  •   Top scoring soloist of the competition receives the National's Ultimate High Point Award and an exclusive Aspire National's prize package.

Team Awards
  •   Every participant receives an EXCLUSIVE Aspire Season Finale' T-shirt.
  •   All studios will receive a team trophy.
  •   Gem rankings will be presented to all routines.
  •   First place routine in each category receives a team medal.
  •   High Point scores in each age division will receive a large trophy.
  •   Overall High Point scores in all age divisions will receive exclusive Aspire gifts for each team member and a six-foot trophy.
  •   Specialty awards will be given by the judges for Choreography, Technique, Showmanship and Judge's Choice; each receiving an exclusive Aspire prize package.
  •   One team routine will be awarded the Ultimate Competition High Point and will receive Aspire gifts for each team member, a $250.00 Aspire Cash, exclusive team prizes and a six-foot trophy.